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The Stabilised Oxygen Story

During the course of man’s history there have been scientific discoveries contributing significantly to human health. Such a discovery is the process of making stabilised electrolytes of oxygen.

Stabilised Oxygen products are often confused with Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), but are vastly different in its mode of action, variety of uses and safety. Stabilised Oxygen or S.O. is a breed of super oxygenating products developed initially by Dr. William F. Koch MD. Ph.D. It was designed to destroy any known and unknown micro-organism with a minimum dose, whilst maintaining its safety to the host.

In addition to being Stabilised Oxygen’s discoverer, this European medical doctor, scientist and humanitarian dedicated his life to the treatment of mentally retarded children. He believed a shortage of oxygen to the brain cells to be one of the major causes of retardation, and devoted 15 years to the research and development of another process apart from breathing for supplying oxygen to the brain. His formula produced non-toxic stabilised electrolytes of oxygen, identical to those in the respiration process. After developing stabilised oxygen, the doctor used it in his practice for many years. Over the years the formula found its way into other countries around the world where it was formulated into other products. S.O. was incorporated into these formulas because the non- toxic form of stabilised oxygen was an alternative to toxic chemical preservatives in aloe Vera health aids, skin care products and in foods and beverages. It is now marketed as a bactericide, an oxygen health supplement and a water disinfectant.

Is it safe ? The simple answer is Yes, especially with the recent release of Di-Atomic O2xygen a non chemically formulated S.O. product consisting of a neutral pH. Unlike its distant relative, (H2O2), all research and patient trials conducted reveal no problems with prolonged usage of S.O.

How does it work? It works simply releasing chlorite ions, trace amounts of sodium and chlorine dioxide, plus substantial amounts of molecular oxygen into the blood plasma. The reaction is triggered when the alkaline S.O. (pH 12.5) comes into contact with the strong acids found in the stomach (pH3). It becomes highly unstable and breaks down immediately.

Tests carried out in Australia have shown that S.O. products with a high pH have the pH reduced to near the pH of the water into which it is dosed and therefore the long held believe that Stabilised Oxygen must be of a high alkalinity (pH) in order to work is a wrong assumption. Contrary to this, a neutral or near neutral pH of the S.O. is desirable as the release of the oxygen in the gastric fluid is slowed down allowing the body to absorb and utilize the valuable oxygen ions (electrolytes))

Stabilised Oxygen is a high concentrate of oxygen. That is, oxygen in molecular form. Just like the oxygen that is breathed from the atmosphere through the lungs, changed to oxygen molecules and deposited in the blood. In this form the oxygen molecules transfer from the blood to the iron atoms on the red blood cells and then to the cells of the body.

S.O. is helpful in a myriad of ways besides its obvious anti-bacterial anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. For example, it can be added to contaminated water ( 20 to 30 drops per litre) and left to stand for 24 hours to completely neutralize any potential harmful water -borne pathogens that may be present.

One can imagine how beneficial this is for anyone travelling to third world countries, where Giardia Lamblia is a real problem. (Unfortunately this virus has also been detected in Australian water supplies!) Stabilised Oxygen’s uses in clinical practice offers a new tool to the practitioner wanting to accelerate the results of herbal, vitamin enzyme and mineral supplements, while providing an outstanding prophylactic to the general public. Typically the areas of highest efficacy are the treatment of Herpes, Candida, the flu, low grade chest infections, colds, Asthma and Eczema.

Stabilised Oxygen is listed as stabilised electrolytes of oxygen, so it makes good sense to explain what an electrolyte is. An electrolyte is any substance that dissolves in water and conducts electricity. Science is not certain what role ferromagnetism plays in oxygen’s affinity for the iron in the red blood cell, but there is little doubt that permanent magnetism as well as electromagnetism plays a role. When a electrolyte dissolves, an equal number of negatively charged and positively charged atoms called ions are released. The two most common electrolytes in human blood plasma and body fluids are sodium and chlorine. The body fluid balance is extremely important to life and health, and electrolytes play a key role in maintaining that natural balance. Physiologists know that where sodium goes, water soon follows.

Stabilised Oxygen actually puts oxygen in to the blood without the process of breathing. It cannot over-oxidize the cells because the iron atoms on the red blood cells can only release the amount of oxygen which the cells can use. When taken orally, Stabilised Oxygen is non toxic. To understand the real value of the oxygen in Stabilised Oxygen, one must understand the effect of oxygen on each type of bacteria. There are innumerable bacteria present in each type. Aerobic bacteria are the friendly bacteria - the beneficial bacteria of the soil, the earth, the water, the food and the body. Aerobic bacteria are the normal flora of the body and cannot survive without the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic bacteria are the disease , infectious, putrefying and contamination causing bacteria from the earth, water, food and the body. Anaerobic bacteria cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. However, there are anaerobic bacteria which can live in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, but they are not disease and infectious bacteria. They could be part of the normal flora of the skin and the bowel.

The most common recommended use of Stabilised Oxygen is for immune protection, which is becoming increasingly important in this world of virulent flu’s and rampant Candida. Stabilised Oxygen is an excellent preventative as attested to by the experience of the thousands who discovered Stabilised Oxygen in a time of need and found how refreshing it is to feel healthy and aerobic. They then decided to make it part of their daily regimen. What is particularly important is that Stabilised Oxygen has reportedly been proven effective where antibiotic resistant strains of common viruses have been encountered.

As with any oxidative modality Stabilised Oxygen should be used along with a quality antioxidant such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Selenium or S.O.D These supplements are commonly available at Health Food Stores

The recommended dose for internal therapeutic use is 8 to 15 drops taken in 250ml of water 2 to 3 times daily. Add the drops to an empty glass, then fill with water or suitable juice. This is rather important as the Stabilised Oxygen is lighter in density than water and unless properly dispersed in solution, will tent to float on the surface. For topical application most available brands of Stabilised Oxygen must be diluted at least 1:5 or 1:10 or weaker if the skin is sensitive or broken because most available S.O. are of an extremely caustic pH (up to pH 13 which actually is classified as dangerous goods) However when using the Di-Atomic O2xygen Brand of Stabilised Oxygen the aforementioned precautionary instructions are not necessary as this particular preparation is of a Bio Electrical Manufacture (BEM), meaning not through mixing of chemicals, and has a inherent pH of 7.5-7.9 (neutral) Di-Atomic O2xygen if preferred can be taken with fruit juices or milk but must be consumed within a short time as the abundance of organic matter and the acidic pH of most fruit juices will break the bond between the Oxygen and sodium.

Have you taken your Vitamin "O" today ?

How does oxygen actually kill anaerobic bacteria?

Firstly, these micro-organisms possess an electrical charge. An oxygen molecule is short one electron on its outer orbit, thus trying to acquire a electron to replace the missing electron orbiting the oxygen molecule. When this oxygen molecule encounters a infectious or putrefying bacteria it will strip the electron away from the outer protective membrane of the micro-organism. This is known as cell lysing. Without the electron on its outer protective membrane the anaerobic bacteria cannot survive and is killed.

Science has yet to discover an anaerobic disease, infectious or putrefying bacteria that Stabilised Oxygen does not kill. It is the only non-toxic, virtually tasteless product known that will kill these harmful bacteria in a person’s body without killing the beneficial bacteria. In fact, stabilised oxygen actually stimulates the growth and development of the normal flora since they require oxygen. A more technical name for the non-toxic stabilised electrolytes of oxygen in molecular form is Bio Magnetic Mineral Oxides. They are reportedly effective against: E-coli, streptococcus, pseudomonas and staphylococcus aureus (Golden Staph, the modern day curse in hospitals), giardia lamblia.

Stabilised Oxygen is also effective for spraying onto food preparation surfaces to retard bacterial growth.

( at this point the author also recommends the spraying of food stuffs such as chicken, fish and red meats. However such a practice is very dangerous as the stabilised oxygen only destroys the putrefying bacteria on the surface but not within the food, where bacterial contamination could be present. Thus the effected food would still be poisonous. Such a practice basically removes the "Off" smell which is natures warning not to consume that food!)

At the Science Research Centre of Abilene. Texas USA in May, 1984, Stabilised Oxygen was tested against five intestinal pathogens: Salmonella, typhl, Viberia cholerae, Campylobacter fetus, ss jejuni and Escherichio coli. All of these micro-organisms are common water born pathogens which cause the majority of acute gastrointestinal illnesses and are responsible for the deaths of a large number of children in many countries where untreated water is used. One study showed that Stabilised Oxygen can be used effectively to treat contaminated water and the amount of material needed to effectively destroy all pathogens is dependent on the amount of organic matter found in the water and also on the total amount of bacteria present.In the manner that other dietary vitamin and mineral supplements enhance different body functions, Stabilised Oxygen can act as a supplement to the body’s total function by adding oxidation potential. Since its action occurs at a fundamental cellular level, it can assist the body to fight a variety of infectious agents. Research has also determined that it may act as a very effective scavenger of toxic free radicals from environmental sources or those that are normally reproduced within the body itself. S.O. is known to release simple mineral agents that appear to be active against bacteria and fungi as well as a number of viruses.

Oxygen deficiency, or oxygen starvation can be the single greatest cause of disease. Oxygen plays a critical role in the proper functioning of the Immune System. It is the source of life and energy to all cells. Bodily abuse through eating and drinking habits including pollutants and toxic preservative in our water and food, air pollution, use of drugs and the lack of exercise can greatly reduce the amount of oxygen available to the cells. When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell, the cell turns to another source of energy, usually sugar fermentation. This is an undesirable source of energy which upsets the metabolism of the cell. It causes the cell to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of cells is unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural immune ability, and this opens the doors to the invasion of viruses, for a virus can only develop within a cell. Thus development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, aids, seizures, nerve deterioration, etc. Once the body is in an oxygen depleted state, one may suffer toxic headaches, swollen lymph glands and nodes, and the onset of the dreaded .. osis .. diseases such as arteriosclerosis and multiple sclerosis. Another early warning of immune system failure is Amyotrophic lateral allergies, colds and possible migraine. What compounds these problems in the body is oxygen deprivation and lack of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, SOD and Selenium. ( It is interesting to note that a recent 15 year study on the effect of Selenium found that the test group of people given the selenium had a up to 60% lesser occurrence of all sorts of cancer, than the control group who were given a placebo) Eating processed foods that are deficient in oxygen and nutrients causes the oxygen to be depleted in the blood stream as the body builds up lactic acid, the acid of fatigue and sore muscles or acidosis. Antioxidants help to restore oxygen as does iron, which is an oxygen transporter, to keep the lactic acid low, these problems can all benefit from using Stabilised Oxygen in water or juice.

The use of antibiotics, particularly such broad spectrum ones as tetracycline, provide a short term relief of infection but are countered by a possible long term negative effect. The antibiotics may not be killing the target bacteria, but may be converting them to pleomorphic forms (L forms), which may not only reactive at a later date, but may continue to produce toxins which can lead to a URS condition ( Universal Reactor Syndrome) The conversion of bacteria to such L forms may be providing symptomatic relief, but at the same time setting the stage for a later pathology.

The mechanism of Stabilised Oxygen involves the utilisation of chlorite by the cells, particularly leukocytes, as a substrate to increase the efficiency of a group of enzymes known as peroxidases. These enzymes are an important component within the immune system since they are involved in the oxidation of foreign material (e.g. Viruses).

At the Science Research Centre of Abilene. Texas USA in May, 1984, Stabilised Oxygen was tested against five intestinal pathogens: Salmonella, typhl, Viberia cholerae, Campylobacter fetus, ss jejuni and Escherichio coli. All of these micro-organisms are common water born pathogens which cause the majority of acute gastrointestinal illnesses and are responsible for the deaths of a large number of children in many countries where untreated water is used. One study showed that Stabilised Oxygen can be used effectively to treat contaminated water and the amount of material needed to effectively destroy all pathogens is dependent on the amount of organic matter found in the water and also on the total amount of bacteria present.In the manner that other dietary vitamin and mineral supplements enhance different body functions, Stabilised Oxygen can act as a supplement to the body’s total function by adding oxidation potential. Since its action occurs at a fundamental cellular level, it can assist the body to fight a variety of infectious agents. Research has also determined that it may act as a very effective scavenger of toxic free radicals from environmental sources or those that are normally reproduced within the body itself. S.O. is known to release simple mineral agents that appear to be active against bacteria and fungi as well as a number of viruses.

Oxygen deficiency, or oxygen starvation can be the single greatest cause of disease

Oxygen plays a critical role in the proper functioning of the Immune System. It is the source of life and energy to all cells. Bodily abuse through eating and drinking habits including pollutants and toxic preservative in our water and food, air pollution, use of drugs and the lack of exercise can greatly reduce the amount of oxygen available to the cells. When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell, the cell turns to another source of energy, usually sugar fermentation. This is an undesirable source of energy which upsets the metabolism of the cell. It causes the cell to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of cells is unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural immune ability, and this opens the doors to the invasion of viruses, for a virus can only develop within a cell. Thus development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, aids, seizures, nerve deterioration, etc. Once the body is in an oxygen depleted state, one may suffer toxic headaches, swollen lymph glands and nodes, and the onset of the dreaded .. osis .. diseases such as arteriosclerosis and multiple sclerosis. Another early warning of immune system failure is Amyotrophic lateral allergies, colds and possible migraine. What compounds these problems in the body is oxygen deprivation and lack of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, SOD and Selenium. ( It is interesting to note that a recent 15 year study on the effect of Selenium found that the test group of people given the selenium had a up to 60% lesser occurrence of all sorts of cancer, than the control group who were given a placebo) Eating processed foods that are deficient in oxygen and nutrients causes the oxygen to be depleted in the blood stream as the body builds up lactic acid, the acid of fatigue and sore muscles or acidosis. Antioxidants help to restore oxygen as does iron, which is an oxygen transporter, to keep the lactic acid low, these problems can all benefit from using Stabilised Oxygen in water or juice.

The use of antibiotics, particularly such broad spectrum ones as tetracycline, provide a short term relief of infection but are countered by a possible long term negative effect. The antibiotics may not be killing the target bacteria, but may be converting them to pleomorphic forms (L forms), which may not only reactive at a later date, but may continue to produce toxins which can lead to a URS condition ( Universal Reactor Syndrome) The conversion of bacteria to such L forms may be providing symptomatic relief, but at the same time setting the stage for a later pathology.

The mechanism of Stabilised Oxygen involves the utilisation of chlorite by the cells, particularly leukocytes, as a substrate to increase the efficiency of a group of enzymes known as peroxidases. These enzymes are an important component within the immune system since they are involved in the oxidation of foreign material ( e.g. Viruses).

At the Science Research Centre of Abilene. Texas USA in May, 1984, Stabilised Oxygen was tested against five intestinal pathogens: Salmonella, typhl, Viberia cholerae, Campylobacter fetus, ss jejuni and Escherichio coli. All of these micro-organisms are common water born pathogens which cause the majority of acute gastrointestinal illnesses and are responsible for the deaths of a large number of children in many countries where untreated water is used. One study showed that Stabilised Oxygen can be used effectively to treat contaminated water and the amount of material needed to effectively destroy all pathogens is dependent on the amount of organic matter found in the water and also on the total amount of bacteria present.In the manner that other dietary vitamin and mineral supplements enhance different body functions, Stabilised Oxygen can act as a supplement to the body’s total function by adding oxidation potential. Since its action occurs at a fundamental cellular level, it can assist the body to fight a variety of infectious agents. Research has also determined that it may act as a very effective scavenger of toxic free radicals from environmental sources or those that are normally reproduced within the body itself. S.O. is known to release simple mineral agents that appear to be active against bacteria and fungi as well as a number of viruses.

Oxygen deficiency, or oxygen starvation can be the single greatest cause of disease

Oxygen plays a critical role in the proper functioning of the Immune System. It is the source of life and energy to all cells. Bodily abuse through eating and drinking habits including pollutants and toxic preservative in our water and food, air pollution, use of drugs and the lack of exercise can greatly reduce the amount of oxygen available to the cells. When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell, the cell turns to another source of energy, usually sugar fermentation. This is an undesirable source of energy which upsets the metabolism of the cell. It causes the cell to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of cells is unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural immune ability, and this opens the doors to the invasion of viruses, for a virus can only develop within a cell. Thus development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, aids, seizures, nerve deterioration, etc. Once the body is in an oxygen depleted state, one may suffer toxic headaches, swollen lymph glands and nodes, and the onset of the dreaded .. osis .. diseases such as arteriosclerosis and multiple sclerosis. Another early warning of immune system failure is Amyotrophic lateral allergies, colds and possible migraine. What compounds these problems in the body is oxygen deprivation and lack of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, SOD and Selenium. ( It is interesting to note that a recent 15 year study on the effect of Selenium found that the test group of people given the selenium had a up to 60% lesser occurrence of all sorts of cancer, than the control group who were given a placebo) Eating processed foods that are deficient in oxygen and nutrients causes the oxygen to be depleted in the blood stream as the body builds up lactic acid, the acid of fatigue and sore muscles or acidosis. Antioxidants help to restore oxygen as does iron, which is an oxygen transporter, to keep the lactic acid low, these problems can all benefit from using Stabilised Oxygen in water or juice.

The use of antibiotics, particularly such broad spectrum ones as tetracycline, provide a short term relief of infection but are countered by a possible long term negative effect. The antibiotics may not be killing the target bacteria, but may be converting them to pleomorphic forms (L forms), which may not only reactive at a later date, but may continue to produce toxins which can lead to a URS condition ( Universal Reactor Syndrome) The conversion of bacteria to such L forms may be providing symptomatic relief, but at the same time setting the stage for a later pathology.

The mechanism of Stabilised Oxygen involves the utilisation of chlorite by the cells, particularly leukocytes, as a substrate to increase the efficiency of a group of enzymes known as peroxidases. These enzymes are an important component within the immune system since they are involved in the oxidation of foreign material (e.g. Viruses).

Associated quantifying research on the beneficial effect of Stabilised Oxygen

Experiments by Dr. J. Berg, of Stanford University support the work of Dr. L.P. Hager, University of Illinois (USA). Namely that the chlorite contained in our Stabilised Oxygen significantly improves the efficiency of the two enzymes, chloroperoxidase and peroxidase, as well as utilizing myeloperoxidas in the leukocytes. There are two interesting outcomes of chlorite utilisation by these enzymes. The first is that the immune system may be directly enhanced by the increased rate of oxidation of foreign material by the leukocytes. The second is an increased ability by all metabolically active cells to scavenge free radicals. According to a report by S. Harakeh Ph.D. of Stanford, the rate of removal of the superoxide radicals by superoxide dismutase (SOD) will be increased as the peroxide removal is enhanced by the chlorite CLO2 . The resultant increased efficiency of the removal of free radicals is interesting in light of the contemporary theories attributing the cause of disease debilitating aspects of aging and onset of cancer to excessive levels of free radicals. The source of free radicals may be environmental or metabolic. Toxic free radicals are harmful free electrons which researchers feel can join with other atoms thus producing mutations which are harmful to the body. Leading researchers also concur on the theory that toxic free radicals may be responsible for a vast range of human ailments.

The chlorite, a major constituent of Stabilised Oxygen, and one of its reaction products (Chlorine dioxide) are extremely effective viricides, bactericides, and fungicides. Chlorine dioxide has been shown to be extremely effective against pathogenic agents such as legionella and enteric viruses such as the poliovirus in our laboratory. Its effectiveness against other viruses has also been demonstrated.

In 1983 Dr. James D. Berg at the Department of Medical Microbiology, at Stanford University School of Medicine, completed several studies on Stabilised Oxygen. Dr. Berg is the holder of two doctorates in medical microbiology and environmental engineering. He had been asked to explore the reasons why Stabilised Oxygen is so successful in treating human and animal disease conditions and in maintaining good health. The scientific literature on other chlorine chemistry is extensive, but studies on the chlorine ion and its role in human biochemistry are limited. Nevertheless, Dr. Berg’s conclusions more than adequately support the existing literature.

The following passage is by Dr. James Berg Ph.D.

I shall summarize some potential mechanisms for Stabilised Oxygen as a therapeutic agent. The hypotheses that follow are based on my research with chlorine dioxide and stabilised Oxygen, the research that has been conducted in other laboratories, and the hundreds of testimonials that have been obtained describing the efficacy of Stabilised Oxygen in the treatment of a variety of disorders.The first hypotheses addresses the topical application for the treatment of burns, abrasions and allergic reactions. The other two hypotheses primarily describe potential mechanisms following the ingestion, or when applied topically for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections.When applied topically Stabilised Oxygen may act as an osmotic agent similar to the application of Epsom salts. The concentration of salts in the S.O. even when applied in a 1% solution, is quite high. The ensuing osmotic gradient would be a sufficient driving force for the removal of toxins and allergenic substances from the skin. The same gradient may in a similar way promote healing by increasing the rate of transport of factors involved in healing in the case of abrasions and burns. The aforementioned mechanism may appear simple, nonetheless it may partially explain the promotion of healing and desensitization of burns and rashes that have been documented.Secondly, in either topical or internal use the Stabilised Oxygen can act as a non-specific biocide. The chlorine, a major constituent of Stabilised Oxygen and one of its reaction products, chlorine dioxide, are extremely effective viricides, bactericides and fungicides as demonstrated at our laboratory. At a physiological pH, the predominant chemical species will be chlorine ion. The chlorine is biocidal, yet less effective against pathogens than chlorine dioxide since it is a less powerful oxidant in the ionic form. At the pH of the stomach (pH 3-4) one can expect chlorine dioxide to be produced from the chlorides. This will be a transient phenomenon ultimately yielding chlorine ion again. This will be absorbed by the body, passed through the lower intestinal tract and excreted by the kidneys. If a substantial dose of S.O. has been taken one could hypothesize that the chlorine and chlorine dioxide would act against any pathogenic microorganisms in the body. This may explain the increase in the efficiency of the enzymes known as peroxidases which are a important component in the immune system since they are involved in the oxidation of foreign material such as viruses and toxins. Our experiments with Stabilised Oxygen were modeled after the work of Dr. Lowell P. Hager at the University of Illinois on chlorine and our results support his findings. That Stabilised Oxygen or the chlorine it contains significantly improves the efficiency of the two enzymes chloroperoxidase and peroxidase. The reactions of another model system utilizing myeloperoxidase and peroxidase in the leukocytes is shown to increase the activity of this enzyme.

Additionally, Dr. Anderson Peoples, Professor of Pharmacology, University of California wrote of the Stabilised Oxygen as follows: I have concluded that as a bactericide and or fungicide, it works primarily on the basis of oxidation, apparently able to supply stimulus to the organism’s own physiological response as well as offering oxidative capacity at a cellular level.

His report concludes with the following statement

We consider the Stabilised Oxygen where utilised in vivo, combines with the natural body functions and immune responses to become an effective medication with virtually no toxicity or side effects.

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